Wednesday, 5 October 2016


Alhamdulillah ...UPSR exam for Standard 6 is just around the corner...and our kids will have less than 20 days to face the challenge. InShaaAllah may Allah swt ease everything and best of luck to our kids.
With that, sadly to announce that the "SKS JUARA 16" has ended its sessions last Saturday 20/8/2016. The whole program had benefited those kids academically and character wise.
The boys enjoyed a relaxed motivational session during their last meet with special guest from INSAF MALAYSIA, Mdm Nazzarena Businaro. She is a Freelance Translator cum Project Coordinator. As an Italian, she is able to speak about 7 major languages. She was happy to be with the kids and shared some motivational moments which benefited them.
On that night, the boys performed Maghrib, Yassin recitation and Solat Hajat on their own, guided by Ustadz Bashah of Darul Furqan.
HMEC as the host of these sessions is taking this opportunity to thank all dear parents for the full cooperation in making our Juara sessions a success. Wishing all boys to do well in UPSR and future exams. All are such great kids, may Allah swt bless our boys with successful future.
Every one is a Juara!!

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